OpenWorm: Royal Society B special issue now live!
Worm images courtesy of the OpenWorm browser (Drs. Christian Grove and Padraig Gleeson)
Regular readers of this blog might recall that the OpenWorm Foundation spearheaded a workshop (From Connectome to Behavior) at the Royal Society (London) in January 2018. This workshop generated a lot of social media content and internal (to OpenWorm Slack) discussion of the presented topics.
Since then, the participants have been hard at work putting together a special issue (now live in Royal Society B) that presents in more detail what was discussed at the meeting. Lots of great papers on interesting topics ranging from network theory to movement models, and from foraging behavior to quantitative phenotyping.
Many of these papers feature ongoing work related to the OpenWorm Foundation, including the Geppetto, c302, and Sibernetic projects. There is also an OpenWorm overview paper that provides a current state of the initiative. Enjoy!
Posted by Bradly Alicea